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Drupal 8, 9 & 10 module development: start with custom entities
Section 1: Content entities introduction
A bit of background (1:48)
Content entities introduction (4:16)
Section 2: Building our first content entity
Building our first content entity (8:40)
Securing access to our entities (6:53)
Adding the create, edit and delete forms (CRUD) (13:30)
Views integration for custom entities (12:35)
Making the entity fieldable (10:06)
Adding a media library (5:02)
Adding fields to the custom entity with the UI (6:38)
Workflows and moderation state, and advanced view integration
Change entity access based on workflow states (4:01)
Adding a custom views field with a plugin (5:08)
Add a dropbutton which has actions with a views plugin (5:05)
Adding a custom controller with route parameter upcasting (12:00)
Optimizing the user experience
Views listing with view modes (4:27)
Optimizing the entity with dynamic variables (13:39)
Adding a CSS library to the module (6:19)
Adding a user-friendly multistep form for entity creation (14:17)
Adding custom actions to the form (5:28)
Form API conditional fields (3:10)
Views listing with view modes
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